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Los Angeles Healthcare Litigation Attorney

Legal disputes in the healthcare sphere can take a wide range of forms.  Your healthcare practice may face partnership disputes, employment contract disputes, contentions over reimbursement, lawsuits by or against your competitors or vendors, or other suits brought by patients against your practice.  While there are commonalities among all litigation, healthcare law carries its own unique complexities.  If you are facing a legal dispute in the healthcare arena, it is vital that you retain not only an experienced litigator but also someone with an intimate knowledge of the healthcare industry, the business of healthcare, and California healthcare law.

Providing exceptional representation to California healthcare businesses across a wide range of healthcare-related disputes

Healthcare litigation attorney Art Kalantar not only has nearly two decades of experience practicing healthcare law; Mr. Kalantar also was heavily involved in the healthcare industry for years before attending law school.  The Law Offices of Art Kalantar is prepared to handle your healthcare litigation with care, diligence, and skill, providing you with a personalized approach tailored to the needs of your healthcare practice.

At Law Offices of Art Kalantar, we strive to manage risk and avoid litigation where possible to mitigate your costs and prevent any disruption of your professional practice.  We will fight tooth-and-nail where necessary, through trial and beyond, but we know that avoiding trial is usually the goal.  We tailor your litigation strategy around the realities of your business operation and practicalities and protect your interests every step of the way.  Whether in the form of a court proceeding, an administrative hearing, mediation, arbitration, audit, or investigation, we methodically and effectively protect our client’s interests in as cost-effective a manner as practicable.

What Makes Healthcare Litigation Different?

Litigating in the healthcare sphere involves dealing with all of the normal, complex aspects of lawsuits, such as discovery, while maintaining compliance with the various laws applicable only to the healthcare industry.  Providing documents in discovery must be done without violating patient privacy protections under HIPAA, for example.  Moreover, any statements made in court documents must take care to avoid suggesting that your healthcare practice violated anti-kickback rules, Medicare fraud laws, or any other rules or regulations.  This can be a fine line to walk when engaged in a heated dispute with an employee, contractor, or other adversary.

Types of Healthcare Litigation

Your healthcare practice may find itself in a variety of lawsuits.  The Law Offices of Art Kalantar is prepared to fight on your behalf in areas such as:

  • Commercial disputes with contractors, vendors, or competitors
  • Employment disputes such as non-competition clauses, non-disclosure agreements, and non-solicitation provisions
  • Disputes regarding staff privileges and credentials
  • Government investigations
  • Reimbursement litigation, including prompt payment claims and ERISA violations
  • False Claims Act allegations / qui tam litigation
  • Antitrust matters
  • Class actions
  • Trademark and copyright litigation
  • Exempt status litigation
  • Malpractice / risk management
  • Administrative hearings
  • HIPAA or other privacy allegations
  • Unfair competition and tortious interference by competitors

Call 310-773-0001 to Start Your Case with Confidence

Healthcare professionals around the state and the country know that they can turn to the California healthcare litigation attorney Art Kalantar with the most intricate and high-stakes cases.  Discover for yourself why Kalantar is a trusted name in negotiation, mediation, and litigation by contacting us today to schedule a free consultation.  You will find that we are on your side and take your case seriously, from the beginning to the end.


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