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Healthcare law

Do I Need a Healthcare Attorney?

By Art Kalantar |

Health law, broadly speaking, is the body of law that regulates the provision of healthcare services. Healthcare law governs the relationship between people who provide healthcare, such as doctors, nurses, hospitals, and nursing homes, and the patients who receive healthcare. A healthcare law attorney is someone who specializes in the laws and regulations that… Read More »

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Quality based healthcare over quantity

Value-Based Healthcare Models Are Shifting, Hopefully for the Better

By Art Kalantar |

There is a new trend in healthcare provider payments that veers away from the traditional approach to service reimbursement. Healthcare providers historically have operated by providing services, and then insurance companies pay retrospectively based on bill charges or annual fee schedules. The system tends to reward providers who provide more services, often meaning simply… Read More »

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medical benefits claim form

What is the False Claims Act in Healthcare?

By Art Kalantar |

Doctors, hospitals and health care providers can find themselves facing lawsuits under the False Claims Act due to billing or coding errors that result in overbilling to or overpayment from Medicare. Often the person behind the lawsuit is an employee of the clinic or facility in the billing department who discovers the error or… Read More »

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doctor accepting kickback

How Physicians Violate the Anti-Kickback Statute

By Art Kalantar |

The anti-kickback statute is a federal law aimed at preventing doctors from receiving a financial benefit for patient referrals if the federal government may be charged for all or part of the cost of these services. Physicians and others in the medical field could face fines, community service, and even sentences to federal prison… Read More »

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